Step Into Your Kalapa Journey

Unlock Your Potential and Shape the Future

Take Your Life and Impact to the Next Level: Kalapa Integral Mastery Year-Long Program for Personal Evolution and Social Impact

Welcome Changemakers, Cultural Creatives, and Visionaries!

Do you want to bridge the gap between where you are now and the potential you have to create impactful change in the world?

Are you already making a difference, but want to increase your traction while experiencing what it’s like to be held in a like-minded community?

If either of these is true, then you’re in the right place!

You’re here because you’re not just dreaming of a better world… You’re ready to make it happen!

Transformation includes but also goes beyond personal growth; it’s about being of service, contributing to creating the world you want to live in: a place where you can be in harmony within yourself, with others, and with nature.

Imagine bridging the vast chasm between your current reality and the profound impact you know you’re meant to create. It’s not just about growth; it’s about revolutionizing the way we connect with ourselves, each other, and the planet.

That’s what the Kalapa Integral Mastery Program is all about – a unique blend of personal development, in meaningful connection within our learning community, combined with actionable tools and skills for the pressing challenges of our times.

This program isn’t just another course — it’s a life-upleveling journey curated over 30 years by me, Alan Rafael Seid, in a dedicated search for finding the answers to the question: what will it take to turn around conditions on planet Earth? My multi-decade search for wisdom, Earth healing, and transformative practices led to a deep exploration of the highest caliber tools, processes, and modalities — and it all comes together in this comprehensive program.

The Kalapa Integral Mastery Program is not only an empowerment curriculum for Changemakers. It is also a developmental pathway designed to awaken and empower.

In the Kalapa Integral Mastery Program, you’ll connect with other Changemakers who share your passion for making a difference. It’s a place where your personal growth aligns with global transformation. In this learning community you will access some of the most powerful methodologies, tools, and processes for living in harmony within yourself, with others, and with the planet.

And if you’ve been on this path for some time, we welcome your contributions!

This is more than a simple invitation — it’s a call to step into your power and join a community committed to meaningful change!

A Tapestry of Challenges

In a world that’s changing faster than ever, we face a tapestry of challenges that call us to step in and step up — your highest potential calls to you.

As Changemakers, we can no longer ignore the urgency of the ecological and social crises that confront us. It’s a time of unparalleled change, where some problems are improving, while others are escalating at an alarming rate.

The Kalapa Integral Mastery Program recognizes these challenges — the deep-seated loneliness pervading modern society, the crisis of meaning that leaves even the most successful among us feeling empty and unfulfilled, increasing social inequality forcing so many to struggle, and humanity’s profound disconnection from our natural world…

These aren’t just abstract issues — they’re real, they’re here, and they’re now.

Our planet is going through the largest extinction period since the dinosaurs, driven by human activity! We are witnessing the destruction of ecological integrity and stability, not just in terms of climate change but in the very fabric of Earth’s biosphere. This destruction stems from a deeper issue — our disconnection from nature and from each other. This disconnect is part of what fuels the epidemic of loneliness and the absence of purpose in our lives.

If not me, who? If not now, when?

The even bigger issue is not that humans are bad or evil — it is that we are not evolved enough yet! The loneliness, isolation, and disconnection — the blindness about our impacts on nature — the poverty and the violence — these are all symptoms of a consciousness waiting to truly embrace all of life as one. We are not separate.

These challenges are calling each of us — including you — to step up.

The world needs your unique contribution, your energy, and your commitment to make a difference!

To effectively address these monumental issues, you need more than just awareness — you need actionable solutions, tools, and a community that supports and amplifies your efforts.

The urgency has never been greater. The need for empowered, conscious individuals who can lead the way in creating positive change is clear.

The question is, if you are already on your path, will you join this community of visionary Changemakers, and if you are not yet making the difference you want to make, will you answer this call?

Meet Alan Rafael Seid

A Catalyst for Positive Change

Alan Rafael Seid — affectionately called Rafa by some of his friends — is not your ordinary coach and mentor. With a life journey spanning continents, from the bustling streets of Mexico City to the serene foothills of Washington State’s North Cascades, Alan has touched lives globally. His mission? To contribute to the Consciousness Revolution and the Ecological Sustainability Revolution through empowering Changemakers like you to live in harmony within, with others, and with our planet.

Why Alan?

  • Decades of Expertise: From uncovering his Big Why in 1987 to becoming a sought-after speaker and facilitator, Alan’s journey is about transformative impact.

  • Globally Recognized: Having shared stages with best-selling authors, like Daniel Goleman at the UN, Alan’s insights on Emotional Intelligence and Sustainable Development are game-changing.
  • Practical Wisdom: Whether it’s through his pioneering work in Nonviolent Communication (NVC), the Integral Framework, or Permaculture Design — to name only a few — Alan offers tools not just to envision but to enact real change.
  • A Life Lived Fully: Alan’s personal story of transformation — from a seven-year self-directed sabbatical diving deep into personal and ecological development to founding Kalapa Wisdom School for Positive Change Agents — inspires and instructs.

Introducing the

Kalapa Integral Mastery Program

not your ordinary workshop, but a beacon for those who dare to lead the change.

The Kalapa Integral Mastery Program is a year-long journey, in community, traveling around the wheel of our 8 Modules which are organized along the directions of the compass. Each module elaborates on core competencies such as relationship building, lifestyle design, financial clarity, and nature connection.

Our 2025 Cohort begins September 2024 in the West Module, which will also provide the theme for the year.

The yearly theme allows us to traverse the entire curriculum while also going deeper in a specific area.

Here are the 8 Modules in brief:


Grief work and ancestral healing to overcome generational patterns and welcome more joy.


Developing a conceptual understanding of the world in which everything fits together and makes sense.


Integrated Personal Practice and Spiritual Cross-Training — this is where the rubber meets the road in your personal evolution.


Building and sustaining community, and working well in groups.


Getting along with others, building effective relationships, knowing how to speak your truth in a way that is more likely to lead to harmony than conflict.


Developing a deep connection with Nature and Earth through practices like Nature Awareness and Permaculture Design.


Clarity and empowerment around work, money, and income, including entrepreneurship.


Lifestyle Design and Visioning & Manifesting — to create the life that most empowers you to thrive and make a positive difference.

Discovery Call —> Apply —> Journey

Success Stories

A powerful set of conceptual and practical tools to make your commitment to a sustainable future effective

“Alan Rafael Seid has a unique ability to understand and teach some of the most important ideas and practices of sustainability.

He is a visionary as well as a grounded, clear and engaging educator as well as walking the talk with real poise and integrity.

If you want a powerful set of conceptual and practical tools to make your commitment to a sustainable future effective, I highly recommend his courses.”

Vicki Robin, Best-selling Author and Cultural Innovator – Whidbey Island, USA

This is going to give me tools for leveling up!

“From the first session I can already see how this program will improve my business, communities and relationships. From launching my new website to attracting my life partner to volunteering this is going to give me tools for leveling up.”

Serena Davidson, local community member, Positive Change Agent, Entrepreneur — Pacific Northwest

…helped me to focus on my goals and find my inner strength and courage to become my greatest version…

“Alan is a tremendous resource. He helped me to focus on my goals and find my inner strength and courage to become my greatest version.

Alan has a unique ability to convey complex theories and adapt them into everyday practical use; I highly recommend Alan and Kalapa.”

Kofi Debrah, Consultant, Event Organizer, Co-Founder & Partner of Oko Forests – Accra, Ghana

I can see so many ways to create more of what I want … to be a catalyst for good!

“I just drove home from our first Kalapa Live course. I am feeling a fantastic amount of gratitude. I am filled with possibilities.

Just being aware of a few of the tools and insights shared, I can see how they will assist me in creating stronger connections with staff, peers, boards I serve, and especially while facilitating mediation, conflict resolution and transformational learning.

I can see so many ways to create more of what I want … to be a catalyst for good, in all different ways. Thank you.”

Dawn Harju, WCR Publications & Excellence Northwest — USA

Alan is creative in synthesizing understandings, and lives with ENORMOUS integrity. I find him to be very inspiring!

“I have very high regard for Alan. My opinion is that he knows his stuff backwards and forwards, is creative in synthesizing understandings, and lives with ENORMOUS integrity. I find him to be very inspiring – and am encouraged that he represents the best of the next generation.”

Lucy Leu, Nonviolent Communication, Freedom Project, Insight Dialog – California, USA
Love infuses what you do

“Alan, I was glad to have found the time (even at the last minute) to sit down and have a conversation with you about your work. You obviously love your work, and that love infuses what you do. In my experience, this is true for all great teachers and unsubstitutable.”

Laird Schaub, Renowned Facilitation Trainer, Formerly with Foundation for Intentional Community (FIC)

2025 Cohort launches September 2024

This cycle’s theme will be the West: Building and Sustaining Community and Working Well in Groups.

This course has five pillars:


Including tools, processes, modalities, handouts, and worksheets!


Opportunities for practice because having a tool and being skillful with that tool are different!


Support, connection, camaraderie, new friends and colleagues!


Ask your questions and get support during our group calls!

Guest Speakers and Presenters

Bringing you pioneers, visionaries, and experts in diverse fields!

This year-long journey in community consists of weekly calls, focusing on each area of the 8 areas of the Kalapa curriculum.

We will spend approximately 6 weeks in each Module, weaving our yearly theme throughout.

The course includes content presentations, Q&A sessions, community-building through authentic relating and other games, networking opportunities, skill-building practice, and support calls.

From mastering the art of community-building in the West to unlocking financial empowerment in the South, every direction leads to a new frontier of your potential.

Themes and Yearly Focus:

Each year of the Kalapa program draws on a specific theme, starting with our East Module, Nonviolent Communication, in 2020 and moving through the compass in subsequent years.

The theme for the 2025 cohort (which kicks off September 17, 2024) is Kalapa’s West Module: building and sustaining community and working well in groups.

2025 is your year — the year you take it to the next level for yourself, and if you haven’t yet, step into your power, connect with nature on a profound level, and design a life that not only thrives but makes a difference.

You can’t sign up for this program!

I want to meet you first at a no-cost Discovery Call. Then I invite you to apply!

The Discovery Call is an opportunity get to know each other a bit and ask each other questions. You will have a chance to ask me all the questions you want about the program. Assuming it’s a good match, I will then invite you to apply for admission into the next cohort.

I’m committed to having a course filled with high quality participants!

I will be curating the membership with as much care as I have curated the process and the curriculum. If you are still reading this, chances are that you will be a great match for this course and this community.

I have cultivated my network over 30 years to bring in as guest faculty some of the brightest minds and voices in all these fields.

Our team is here because they have gravitated to this work.

Between me, our guest presenters, our team, the content, the process, and the community — we are going to have a fantastic time in the 2025 Cohort!

Money-back Guarantee

If you do not receive commensurate value for your investment within the first 60 days we will give you 100% of your money back.

If you decide you want a full refund we will ask you for feedback so that we can learn, grow, and improve what we do and how we do it. Again, you are welcome to leave the program within 60 days and receive 100% of your money back.

If you decide that the program is not right for you — or if you decide you would like to leave the program after the first 60 days — you will not receive a refund. In such a circumstance, we are open to a conversation to decide together what a mutually satisfying outcome could be.

So, are you in?

Don’t scroll back. Don’t hesitate. The world doesn’t wait, and neither should you.

Reserve your spot in our next no-cost Discovery Call.

It’s your gateway to becoming part of something bigger.

Because together, we’re unstoppable.

If you are yearning to explore your higher potential, and discover ways to be part of the solution rather than the problem, or of you’ve been doing so but want to take things to the next level — all in the context of a supportive learning community — sign up for the free discovery call now!

The Big Why of Kalapa

This video goes over the 12 Conditions that make up Kalapa’s Big Why

Not for Everyone

Kalapa is a transformative journey dedicated to empowering Positive Change Agents, and is not for everyone.

This program is not for you if:

You’re Seeking Quick Fixes

If you’re looking for instant solutions — without a commitment to deep, personal growth and long-term positive change — Kalapa Integral Mastery Program (KIMP) may not align with your expectations.

You Prefer Surface-Level Engagement

KIMP delves deeply into personal and planetary issues. It’s probably not for you if you are not willing or ready to go deep into your own potentials for growth and service.

You Are Unwilling to Challenge Existing Beliefs

This program encourages questioning and reevaluating long-held beliefs. If you’re not open to this level of introspection and change, KIMP might not be the best fit.

You’re Not Interested in Collaborative Learning

Kalapa is about community, sharing, and learning together. KIMP is not for those who prefer to work entirely independently or are not open to diverse perspectives.

You’re Not Committed to Practical Application

KIMP’s greatest value is in its application. This program is for individuals ready to apply what they learn to make real-world changes. If you’re not interested in applying what you learn to create positive impact, this may not be the right program for you.

You Expect a Conventional Learning Structure

Kalapa’s approach is unique, integrating various methodologies and tools. If you prefer traditionally structured learning environments, you might find Kalapa’s innovative style challenging.

About your Host and Co-Convener

Alan Rafael Seid

A Journey of Service and Transformation

Alan Rafael Seid, Founder of Kalapa and a beacon for positive change, has dedicated his life to empowering individuals and communities. Growing up bilingual and bicultural in Mexico City, Alan’s Kalapa journey began at 16, when he committed to being part of the solution for a harmonious coexistence with our planet and each other.

By 18, he recognized his life’s purpose was in service and contribution, beyond traditional employment. At 21, Alan embraced the Financial Integrity Program from Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez, mastering clarity and empowerment in his own financial matters.

At 27, his savings enabled a seven-year odyssey of intensive learning during which he took every course, seminar, and retreat he could find in personal development and ecological living. During this period, Alan became a Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication, earned a Certificate in Permaculture Design, engaged deeply with the Wilderness Awareness School, and researched and studied meditation, intentional community, and conflict resolution.

He also studied Integral Theory, taught the 8-Shields Model with Jon Young’s blessing, and found his dream property, establishing a base for community living and for sharing his work.

Alan’s passion lies in working with those committed to personal growth and global betterment.

Alan Rafael Seid’s life embodies play, humor, trust, integrity, and an unwavering dedication to nurturing positive, long-term change.

Tell me More About This Program!

Bonus Offerings

When you join the Kalapa Integral Mastery Program, you also get:

  • The Kalapa Community Portal where you can interact with other participants and access recorded courses and programs
  • Free admission to the Kalapa Nonviolent Communication Practice Group (starting in the Spring, when we cover this module)
  • Other courses, programs, bonus content, and special events
  • WhatsApp Group for peer support and program information

Value of the Program

We have curated the content, bringing together the highest caliber tools, processes, and modalities we’ve been able to find over many years.

Each Module has a tremendous gift for you in terms of its specific focus and each Module has community-building and connection at its foundation.

Not only will you get to learn from and spend time with me, I’m bringing in the best teachers I know in specific areas to enhance and elevate everything you’re getting.

You will receive coaching support and get all your questions answered.

I’m super excited to spend the year with you — from the quality content, to the solid support, to the sense of fun and connected community!

Overcoming Doubts and Fears
& Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can also email us your question here.

You do have a 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee. That should give you plenty of time in case the program seems like not a good match for you.

The content itself comes from over 30 years of research and life experience — exploring many modalities deeply and traversing many communities, continents, and mentor relationships — while producing tangible, stellar results.

This program is curated for Changemakers with the very best, most valuable content I could find for people who are working on themselves and who also want to maximize their positive impact.

Our 60-day, 100% money-back guarantee is an indicator of how confident we are in the content.

If you are drawn to this program the chances are that the other participants share similar values — at the very least the commitment to your own personal growth and to being of service.

Kalapa typically draws very high quality individuals, and I very much doubt this will be an issue!

I have been integrating and applying some of the material here for 30 years, and much of it for 10 or more years. My client testimonials say it more powerfully than I can.

And I only bring on board the very best people I have access to. It’s possible that at some point you may not click with a guest presenter… but they are all experts in their field and really know their stuff!

Self-doubt can be a very big challenge and impediment. And maybe this is precisely why you are here!

Take us up on the 60-day, money-back guarantee — and let us be here for you and support you in overcoming some of these doubts and developing the confidence you will need to live the life you were meant for!

We have a call once a week, on Tuesdays, at 11am Pacific for 90 minutes.

Your participation on the calls matters because we are a learning community. Your absence matters and will be felt.

If you cannot make a call we will have a recording.

There are no commitments outside of the calls required as part of this course. However, you may be presented with opportunities to skill-up or contribute — for example, the NVC Practice Group every Friday  — but your participation in those will be up to you.

This course is for virtually anyone with our two primary core commitments:
1) leaving the world a better place than you found it, making a positive difference, being of service
2) working on yourself, personal development, lifelong path of learning and growing.

Rather than an age cutoff, we have maturity criteria which involve the ability to participate, interact, and contribute as able.

If you are invited to apply at the no-cost Discovery Call then you are most likely a very good fit for the program!

We value making our programs accessible and also value keeping the lights on!

If you are a good match for the program and want to attend, but cannot afford the full price, we will work with you!

There is no 8-year commitment!

The theme means that we will be  going deeper on and revisiting elements from that module throughout the year.

Each year will be unique, with an emphasis on a specific module for that year, even while we survey or introduce all the other modules.

One way we talk about it is that a short cycle is 1 year, and a long cycle is 8 years — but by joining this program you are not committed to the longer cycle.

Schedule your call today!

No-Cost Discovery Calls to join the 2025 Cohort
— which kicks off September 17, 2024 —
will be held the following Tuesdays at 11am Pacific Time.
These are group calls.
These calls are not recorded, they are live and interactive.
(For a 1:1 call click here.)

























The Discovery Call is relaxed and informal,
and is an opportunity to get to know each other a bit.
You can ask me any questions about the program or about me.
I will probably have questions for you.
If I think you and this program are a good match for each other,
then I invite you to apply.
Once the course fills we will have a waiting list.

Our Privacy Policy and GDPR (General Data Compliance Regulation) Compliance Statement

When you enter your information, you automatically join the Kalapa email list.

We send you information intended to help you achieve your goals and dreams, and to solve life’s most pressing issues.

You can unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked, and we never share your information with anybody.

Upon request we will delete all the data we have for you, no questions asked, with the exception of data that we may be required to keep by law.

Results Disclaimer

No program – not even this one – can guarantee any specific results in any given time period.

In fact, it would be illegal for us to do so.

There are and will be many factors outside of any individual’s control, which influence possibilities and opportunities. Each individual’s circumstances are unique.

There are and will be many factors outside of the presenter’s control, which impact your speed of learning, retention, and opportunities for application.

It is our belief that the tools and modalities in this program are ones you can use to envision and create your ideal life, improve your relationships, deepen your personal growth, and amplify your positive impact. But by law we cannot guarantee you a specific outcome.

Regardless, we believe it will be fun and a great learning opportunity.

We stand by our guarantee to give you 100% of your money back if you are dissatisfied with your purchase within 60 days of joining the program.