Both the Earth and human society are experiencing unprecedented challenges and opportunities. We believe the necessary changes must happen at all levels simultaneously, and we want to help those already committed to making a difference be the most powerful Changemakers they can be in whatever field, arena, or domain. Kalapa consists of mindsets, tools, skills, resources, and community to support your efforts in creating positive change.


“My experience has been profoundly deep and very practical.”
“Alan is well studied and well practiced in his work. I probably learned as much from observing and sensing his energy when he interacts and talks with people as from his 6 week course. What an inspiration! I often hold Alan (with his calm and intentional way of being) in my mind when I am getting my creative juices flowing on how I might approach a communication challenge – and it has always helped. I thought I would get something from the course that would help me on a ‘surface level’ but my experience has been profoundly deep and very practical. I am very grateful.” ~ Cindi Landreth, Vice-President A1 Builders and Adaptations Design Studio; Transition Whatcom, Live Workshop Series Participant

“This was the most useful training we did.”
“When I debriefed the staff at my retirement, to a person they strongly indicated that the Empowered Communication (NVC) training was the most useful, both professionally and personally, of anything we had done during their time there. It was clear after the first training that there was a real positive shift in how people in the office interacted. I highly recommend Alan’s NVC trainings in an office setting.” ~ Tom Anderson, General Manager, retired, Public Utility District #1 of Whatcom County

“You up-leveled the experience for us all!”
“Alan, your lucid presence (which called us all to greater presence) combined with your command of the concepts and your ease/simplicity in presenting them were not only a pleasure to experience. You up-leveled the center of gravity of the entire conversation/experience for us all. When that happens, I believe the material gets in deeply and really works people over time. They contemplate it more afterwards because it penetrates their inner life. A deep bow to you….I so see and appreciate how you have developed yourself to be the great teacher I beheld. I loved presenting with you as well, AND I learned so much from who you are..” ~ Sandra Poulson, Organization Effectiveness Specialist, Environmental Protection Agency; Co-Presenter, Integral Sustainability 101, presented for the EOS Alliance, Seattle, Washington.

“Discovering competence & safety in speaking & acting that felt joyful & fulfilling.”
“Alan’s generous, humorous, playful approach to practicing NVC & facilitating learning delights me and I heard folks “new” to NVC express delight & pleasure at discovering new to them sources of competence & safety in trying out ways of speaking & acting that felt joyful & fulfilling. The beauty of the location & tastiness of the meals seemed the definition of generosity & bounty.“ ~ Tanya Lasuk, Software Engineer, Agile Coach
- Kalapa is an empowerment curriculum and developmental pathway comprised of 8 modules.
- Each module consists of a core competency and one or more best practices related to that core competency.
- Kalapa feeds into two worldwide movements which we hope to expand and accelerate:
- The consciousness revolution and the ecological sustainability revolution.

Visit the Kalapa Calendar page to see all our upcoming offerings!
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* IMPORTANT: You must enter “Kalapa” in the Designation Field.