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Highlights from 2020 Conference

Day 1 Highlights

Authentic Relating Games | with Sydney McGary

Opening Ceremony | with Susan Powell

Heart of Now | with Lisa Stein

Practice presence with your whole self, and the part of you that is connected to everyone and everything, the place from which our dreams and visions spring.

Gratitude Jam & Grief Ritual | with Gwen Gordon and Nicola Franklin

Finally allow yourself to shed those things weighing you down and which no longer serve you, and open to a new self, energized for celebrating life.

Revivify | Burke Mulvany & Josephine Dow

Purposeful and profound music that can assist in healing, uplift the spirit, and activate!

Intro to 8-Shields Model and Kalapa | with Alan Rafael Seid

Intro to one of our core modalities as well as to our overall framework

Day 2 Highlights

Authentic Relating Games | with Roxanne Jarrett

Authentic Relating Games are activities designed to create the opportunity for authentic connection between individuals and with a group.

Delicious and Celebratory Music | with Luke Concannon & Stephanie Hollenberg

Introduction to Integral | with Alan Rafael Seid

Discover the meta-theory conceptual map that includes every area of human knowledge and inquiry, so that you can be more effective in your relationships and the world.

Balancing Through Compassion | with Jasmine Bell

As we explore the varying aspects of energetic polarities, the masculine and feminine, we will dive into the balance we experience within ourselves and how we can use this to bring in balance and compassion as we interact with an ever-changing world.

The 4 Phase Method for Change Agents | with Gary Reiss

Interactive and Intimate Songs | with Katie Sontag

The Cosmic Walk | Guided Meditation with Alan Rafael Seid

Embed your Self in Deep Time with this guided meditation that connects you with the origins of the Universe.

Day 3 Highlights

Grief and Ancestral Healing | with Silke Rose West

Energy and Power: An integral Permaculture Exploration | with David MacLeod

Authentic Relating Games | with Whitney Waterbury

Lifestyle Design Master Class | with Alan Rafael Seid

How To Make A Lucrative Career Out of Profound Service | with Ryan Eliason

Silly Sound Yoga with DJ JD ⤳ Revivify, Set 2 ⤳ DJ Tru-ah Dance Party

Day 4 Highlights

Integration Conversation | with Alan Rafael Seid and Tess Burke

Closing Ceremony | with Susan Powell

2020 Mainstage Schedule

All times are listed in Pacific Standard Time. Please use this time zone converter to convert the schedule to your time zone.
Download a PDF of the schedule here. This schedule is subject to change at any time, without notice.
Don’t forget to check out presenter’s bios, websites and talk information beneath the schedule.

Day 1

8:30 – 9:00
Authentic Relating Games
with Roxanne Jarrett
9:00 – 10:00
Luke Concannon
Chart-topping singer-songwriter, and activist.
10:30 – 11:30
Intro to Integral
Discover the meta-theory conceptual map that includes every area of human knowledge and inquiry, so that you can be more effective in your relationships and the world.
12:00 – 14:00
Balancing Through Compassion
Jasmine Bell
As we explore the varying aspects of energetic polarities, the masculine and feminine, we will dive into the balance we experience within ourselves and how we can use this to bring in balance and compassion as we interact with an ever-changing world.
14:30 – 15:30
Cosmic Walk
***Session will be locked 20 minutes after start***
Embed your Self in Deep Time with this guided meditation that connects you with the origins of the Universe.
16:00 – 17:00
Cosmic Walk Debrief
17:30 – 18:30
Gary Reiss
Join our dear friend, modern-day shaman, and process-work guru in a special offering for our group and event.
19:00 – 21:00
Interactive and Intimate Songs
Katie Sontag
Songs that are honest and vulnerable. Her vocals, lyrics, and melodic lines capture audiences and take them on an intimate journey. Her unique performance style combines singer/songwriter with song leader making for an engaging and interactive performance.
21:30 – 22:30

Day 2

8:30 – 9:00
Grief and Ancestral Healing
with Silke Rose West
9:00 – 10:30
Energy and Power: An integral Permaculture Exploration
with David MacLeod
11:00 – 13:00
Authentic Relating Games
with Whitney Waterbury
13:00 – 14:00
Lifestyle Design Master Class
Learn some essential Lifestyle Design and Visioning & Manifesting modalities that will clarify your purpose and direction, and get you on your way to crafting your ideal life.
14:30 – 16:00
How To Make A Lucrative Career Out of Profound Service
with Ryan Eliason
16:30 – 17:30
DJ JD Silly Sound Yoga
18:00 – 18:30
Purposeful and profound music that can assist in healing, uplift the spirit, and activate!
18:30 – 19:30

Day 3

8:30 – 9:00
Authentic Relating Games
with Roxanne Jarrett
9:00 – 10:00<
Luke Concannon
Chart-topping singer-songwriter, and activist.
10:30 – 11:30<
Intro to Integral
Discover the meta-theory conceptual map that includes every area of human knowledge and inquiry, so that you can be more effective in your relationships and the world.
12:00 – 14:00
Balancing Through Compassion
Jasmine Bell
As we explore the varying aspects of energetic polarities, the masculine and feminine, we will dive into the balance we experience within ourselves and how we can use this to bring in balance and compassion as we interact with an ever-changing world.
14:30 – 15:30
Cosmic Walk
***Session will be locked 20 minutes after start***
Embed your Self in Deep Time with this guided meditation that connects you with the origins of the Universe.
16:00 – 17:00
Cosmic Walk Debrief
17:30 – 18:30
Gary Reiss
Join our dear friend, modern-day shaman, and process-work guru in a special offering for our group and event.
19:00 – 21:00
Interactive and Intimate Songs
Katie Sontag
Songs that are honest and vulnerable. Her vocals, lyrics, and melodic lines capture audiences and take them on an intimate journey. Her unique performance style combines singer/songwriter with song leader making for an engaging and interactive performance.
21:30 – 22:30

Day 4

8:30 – 9:00
Grief and Ancestral Healing
with Silke Rose West
9:00 – 10:30
Energy and Power: An integral Permaculture Exploration
with David MacLeod
11:00 – 13:00
Authentic Relating Games
with Whitney Waterbury
13:00 – 14:00
Lifestyle Design Master Class
Learn some essential Lifestyle Design and Visioning & Manifesting modalities that will clarify your purpose and direction, and get you on your way to crafting your ideal life.
14:30 – 16:00
How To Make A Lucrative Career Out of Profound Service
with Ryan Eliason
16:30 – 17:30
DJ JD Silly Sound Yoga
18:00 – 18:30
Purposeful and profound music that can assist in healing, uplift the spirit, and activate!
18:30 – 19:30
Dance Party with DJ Tru-ah
19:30 – 21:30


8:30 – 9:00
Integration Conversation and Next Steps
9:30 – 10:30
Closing Ceremony
with Susan Powell
10:30- 11:30
Party with DJ Tru-ah
19:30 – 21:30


8:30 – 9:00
Integration Conversation and Next Steps
9:30 – 10:30
Closing Ceremony
with Susan Powell
10:30- 11:30

2020 Presenters

SILKE ROSE WESTGrief and Ancestral Healing

Each of us is one small light, but together we shine bright. A collective Light walk to face the Grief of this time, call on the Ancestors, and create a light-filled path into the holidays.

About Silke

Silke Rose West, (Markowski , my legal name) is a native German speaker, who came to this country in her early twenties. She was raised in a multigenerational household on a farm in a small village of Southern Germany. Silke finished her educators training in Germany and co-founded the Country Day School / Taos Waldorf School in 19995 in Taos NM. As a founder, she held the school and families through festivals and seasonal celebrations, such as Lanternwalks and Maypole dances. She supported families with blessing ways for pregnant moms and provided hospice support for families who had to face the death of young children and/ or parents. After 20 years of teaching and raising two daughters, she experienced a traumatic divorce which led her on her spiritual path as a moon dancer with the grandmothers in Mexico. She pioneered the first outdoor kindergarten “Taos Earth children” in Taos during the last four years and has dedicated her life path to help parents and children to reconnect to nature and to strengthen the internal family bond using nature connection, puppetry, storytelling, and music. Silke has built several labyrinths and is teaching children the way of the labyrinth. Coming home to oneself as a sacred path. She published a book with her partner Joseph Sarosy called “How to tell stories to children” which will be available through Houghton Mifflin in 2021 (currently still available on amazon.) Silke has led night walks for youth to face their fears and remember to walk with confidence.



GWEN GORDONGratitude Jam & Grief Ritual

Our capacity for joy is only as deep as our capacity for grief. When we come together we can open to both more fully. Through play and reverent irreverence we will take the lid off of our joy and celebrate the gifts of a human life. Then, as psychologist Francis Weller put it, “We will coax our stories into the visible world where they can be held within the healing embrace of community.” Based on Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, the sacred space we hold together welcomes every aspect of our experience so we can become more available for the healing of our world.

About Gwen

Gwen Gordonis a Swiss Army knife for transformation. She began her career building Muppets for Sesame Street, then got off the street to start a production company producing programs for children in hospitals. After receiving her masters degree in philosophy, Gwen began teaching, writing, and leading workshops on the transformative power of play and has applied her insights about play in settings ranging from San Quentin prison to the MIT Media Lab, Spirit Rock Meditation Center to Esalen Institute. She was one of the first trained facilitators of Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects and a student of Martin Prechtel, and Sobonfu Some’s grief rituals. Gwen is the author and illustrator of The Wonderful Wa children’s book for adults. She is currently in practice as somatic trauma healer and transformational coach working. You can watch her TEDx here.


ROXANNE JARRETTAuthentic Relating Games

Authentic Relating Games are activities designed to create the opportunity for authentic connection between individuals and with a group.

About Roxanne

Roxanne Jarrett is a multilingual singer and coach who helps motivated creatives finish their passion projects. She also hosts events to unleash creative expression and deepen social connections.


LUKE CONCANNONTransformative Song and Silence

My hero…I learned everything from him’ Ed Sheeran

The intention for this concert is for it to be delicious; ‘as it is in heaven’; Luke Concannon is a chart topping, influential anglo Irish, devoted singer-song writer, who the BBC calls ‘political intense angular and beautiful’. Excellent music, in service of the world we long for, moments of silence to gather ourselves, stories, fun, singing and laughing.

About Luke

“One of my three main influences along with Van Morrison” –– Ed Sheeran | “Political, intense, angular and beautiful” BBC Radio 1 | “The real deal” The Guardian

Luke (the singer songwriter of the UK/Irish number one “The JCB song”) started singing aged five at his Irish family’s parties; he’s been sharing music in community ever since. New album ‘Ecstatic Bird in The Burning’ (out Feb 5th 2021) is about the power of active hope, in a burning world


DAVID MACLEODEnergy and Power: An integral Permaculture Exploration

This presentation will be informed by: David Holmgren’s essay on “Energy and Permaculture;” systems ecologist Howard T. Odum’s pioneering work on Energy, Ecology, and Economics; Chinese Medicine and Taoist Qigong understanding of Qi (life-force energy); cultural philosopher Jean Gebser’s understanding of how power and energy manifest in different structures of consciousness (the Archaic, Magic, Mythic, Mental, and Integral); all of this with a PatternDynamics oriented naturalistic cosmology!

About David

In the early 2000s, David was part of the Eco-Bell community, that eventually became Sustainable Bellingham, where he served as part of the core Vision Team. He also joined the Cascadia Workshops production team where he was introduced to Alan Seid’s teaching on Non-Violent Communication, Integral theory, Integral Sustainability, Permaculture, and Financial Integrity.

In the late 2000s, David initiated and served on a local city and county appointed Energy Resource Scarcity/Peak Oil Task Force, and then became a co-initiator of Transition Whatcom, which engages Bellingham and Whatcom residents in building community resiliency in the face of resource scarcity, climate change and economic uncertainty. David earned his Permaculture Design Certificate at Inspiration Farm in 2009, the same year he was named an “Environmental Hero” by RE Sources for Sustainable Communities.

In 2014, David became a certified PatternDynamics™ workshop facilitator, which combines elements of integral theory, permaculture, sustainability, and complexity theory into a pattern language for a thriving planetary civilization – or “a systems thinking tool for creating systems level change.”

David’s writing has been published by Resilience.org, Integral Review, and Integral Leadership Review, and he was a presenter at the 2015 Integral Theory Conference on the topic “Navigating the Patterns for a World in Energy Descent.”

David is also a cornet playing musician who enjoys improvising in settings that are sweet, idiosyncratic, abstract, and meditative.


NICOLA FRANKLINGratitude Jam & Grief Ritual

Our capacity for joy is only as deep as our capacity for grief. When we come together we can open to both more fully. Through play and reverent irreverence we will take the lid off of our joy and celebrate the gifts of a human life. Then, as psychologist Francis Weller put it, “We will coax our stories into the visible world where they can be held within the healing embrace of community.” Based on Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, the sacred space we hold together welcomes every aspect of our experience so we can become more available for the healing of our world.

About Nicola

Nicola Franklin is a transformational soul gardener, providing compassionate safe spaces for people to discover their deeper story. Nicola leads workshops in different creative art experiences for people to enhance their health and well-being, and to help them find their unique artistic expression. She offers a creative portal into a deeper self-knowing through SoulCollage®, an intuitive collage process that facilitates self-exploration, self-discovery and spiritual growth, for individuals and groups. Nicola also uses the healing art of Qi Gong as a part of the journey of self-discovery. Through movement, breath and intention, Qi Gong can help harmonize and strengthen the bodily system and teach people to anchor into the present moment so that they can begin to tune into what their body is saying. All these tools are used to cultivate self awareness and to connect more deeply to our true nature by cultivating intuitive wisdom and so find the healer within

JASMINE BELLBalancing Through Compassion

As we explore the varying aspects of energetic polarities, regularly referred to as the masculine and feminine, we will dive into the balance we experience within ourselves and how we can use this to bring in balance and compassion as we interact with an ever changing world.

About Jasmine

Jasmine Bell (she/her) is a modern mystic, a muse and a mentor. Her mission is to support and guide herself and others to embody their full power and move through any internal blocks that stand in the way of true freedom.

She works with change makers and those who leave impactful ripples in their wake… those that are ready to become even more of themselves and lead from a place of wholeness and authenticity. With a decade of experience, Jasmine brings extensive training, personal experiences and strong intuitive guidance to the table to craft and co-create an experience that has the power to shift lives.

When she is not diving in with clients and groups, Jasmine lives on the Hawaiian island of Maui with her partner where they create, play and love abundantly. She was likely a mermaid in another life..

To connect or learn more about her work, visit jasminebell.com


LISA STEINHeart of Now

Heart of now is a program teaching skills for getting in touch with our authentic selves – our needs, desires and feelings. As we share ourselves, we can create closeness, and support each other’s differences, needs and feelings.

In this workshop, looking at how we feel closer during these challenging times, Lisa will lead a series of experiential exercises to allow people to get to know each other quickly and deeply. The intention is for participants to have fun and get to know each other better at this event, AND to learn exercises can be taken back to your home communities to promote deeper connections. Lisa will use her intuition to hear what uniquely needs to be offered for you to sink into your heart and body and find the answers that you need.

About Lisa

“We can heal. From wherever we start, our life can get lighter and easier. We can get in touch with the ideas and emotions that have us repeating unwelcome behavior patterns. Becoming aware of them in a visceral way (not just talking about it) will create more room for change.”

Lisa has been participating in the Heart of Now since 2001 and facilitating since 2006. She has been involved in personal growth work for the last thirty years. Her roots are in co-counseling, gestalt, dream-work, psychotherapy, and process-oriented psychology which she incorporates into her work as a facilitator and mediation counselor.



KATIE SONTAGHealing through Song

This will be a combination house concert, song circle, open hearted meditation and creative contemplation. Please bring a writing utensil and paper and a willingness to feel

About Katie

Katie Sontag writes songs that are honest and vulnerable. Her vocals, lyrics, and melodic lines capture audiences and takes them on an intimate journey. Her unique performance style combines singer/songwriter with song leader making for an engaging and interactive performance.

At Katie’s show you will laugh, cry, and make new friends. Her music has been described as “a big hug.” She also writes, leads, and teaches acapella part songs that have traveled all over the country and been adapted for choirs in Portland, Boulder, Austin & Big Sur. She performs with her band Katie Sontag and the Love Notes and is half of the duo, smalltime. Katie also leads old time sing-a-longs at Assisted Living, Memory Care & Rehab Centers and hosts a weekly Open Mic in Eugene.

She recently released her self produced album Still Breathing in February 2020 and released her first album with collaboration with her first band Temple Under the Stars in 2018.


SYDNEY MCGARYAuthentic Relating Games

Authentic Relating Games are a set of practices and tools designed to establish and deepen connection with self and other.

In this workshop, you will be guided through a series of exercises to establish connections with fellow participants and build a sense community for the Kalapa Weekend experience. You are invited to show up exactly as you are and from here explore being with others at the intersection of all of our dynamic human experiences.

We will practice welcoming more of each other through our shared presence with the intention of exploring curiosity, revealing our experience, and laying the foundational stones of connection for our weekend to come!

About Sydney

Sydney is passionate about the magic & healing that is possible when humans form circles of presence. Over the last decade, she has been curating spaces for self-discovery and mindfulness through teaching slacklining, acro yoga, Earth connection, and practicing healing arts. All this had led Sydney to Authentic Relating where she has been diving deep and facilitating for the past 4 years. As a lifelong naturalist, Sydney believes that Authentic Relating is a way for humanity to remember a sense of deep togetherness within our own species and ultimately the whole web of life.

She is currently creating content to bridge the worlds of AR with nature connection in hopes of evolving a culture rooted in regenerative healing practices for our present world & generations to come.


About Revivify

Revivify Music Project featuring Josephine Dow & Burke Mulvany

Fresh Electro-Acoustic Conscious Folk Fusion from Orcas Island, WA in the beautiful San Juan’s

Musical Mission: To manifest into existence—through the sheer act of authentic musical expression—purposeful and profound music that can assist in healing, uplift the spirit, and activate the senses!

Contact info:
Busker basket: Paypal.me/revivifymusic



SUSAN POWELLOpening Ceremonies & MC

Susan Powell (Lakota/British Isles), has been a Holistic Health Educator and Wellness Facilitator for 40 years.

Susan offers Medicine Wheel workshops & a variety of wellness and community development trainings for diverse communities, such as child & youth care workers, teachers, social workers, mentoring agencies, Aboriginal youth leadership, the Native American Sports Council, the Justice Institute of British Columbia, and the Four Worlds Institute, as well as on reserve for many First Nations communities across the US and Canada.

“Susan has been a much loved and valued associate of the Four Worlds Centre for Development Learning for twenty years. She has that unique capacity to bring light and laughter into the room, no matter how challenging the issues are that have brought people together to learn and share. Susan inspires confidence and respect as she explores profound teachings with simplicity, but without diluting the power of those teachings to transform lives. She is an extremely capable facilitator of change in people and in human systems. She is knowledgeable, compassionate, non-judgmental, patient and wise. She is equally competent working with both individuals and groups. We have learned so much from Susan and always look forward to the next opportunity to work together.” Drs. Judie & Michael Bop


DJ JDSilly Sound Yoga

The Silly Sound Yoga Session gives you an opportunity to stop taking yourself so seriously. Animal sounds, vocal ruckus, body percussion, ridiculous dancing and Zoomish games give participants relief from the solemn, weighty thoughts and feelings that keep us stuck in the muck. Because let’s face it, we could all use a little more lightness and laughter in 2020.

About DJ JD

Jay celebrates the weird, encourages dorkiness and jams with the clowns. His love of improvisational music and movement combines with his passion for getting people together in the spirit of play. Jay pulls from years of performing and teaching at music and arts festivals, experience as an outdoor educator and coordinating The RE Store’s Recycled Arts and Trash Fashion Show in Bellingham, WA.

Jay wonders aloud, “How many different ways can you, yes you, make your voice wiggle?”

RYAN ELIASONHow To Make A Lucrative Career Out of Profound Service

Ryan has supported thousands of socially conscious entrepreneurs to build lucrative businesses rooted in profound service to their clients and the planet. In this talk he will share some of the most important principles of success that his clients have benefited from over the years. For example, it’s important to find what he calls your “sweet spot” which is the overlap between 1) what you love and are passionate about, 2) what you’re good at, and 3) what people will pay for. He will speak about how to embrace and master 3 pillars of success: 1) marketing, 2) mindset, and 3) time mastery. His clients have used Ryan’s teachings to build businesses that have collectively generated over a hundred million dollars. You’ll come away with greater clarity on how to build your own lucrative career rooted in profound service.

About Ryan

Ryan Eliason believes that supporting socially conscious entrepreneurs is the best way to make a leveraged, positive impact on the world’s most pressing problems. He’s the author of How To Make A Lucrative Career Out of Profound Service, the founder of The Social Entrepreneur Empowerment Network, and the creator of Visionary Business School. As one of the world’s top coaches for social entrepreneurs, over 300,000 changemakers from every country on earth have participated in his trainings.

ALAN SEID8-Shields & Kalapa Presentation, Introduction to Integral & Lifestyle Design Masterclass


The 8-Shields Model is a simple pattern based in nature which can be used as a metaphor for life’s cycles, a checklist for events, a flowchart for projects, and an organizational map to integrate people’s diverse gifts into a cohesive team. The 8-Shields Model also clarifies some confusing issues around consensus decision-making, as well as between hierarchical vs egalitarian approaches to organizational design. The Kalapa is an Empowerment Curriculum and Developmental Pathway organized around the 8-Shields framework. The Kalapa was created specifically for Positive Change Agents — defined as people who are committed to leaving the world a better place than they found it, as well as to their own personal growth and development.


The Integral Framework is a conceptual map that allows for every area of human knowledge and inquiry to see itself alongside other areas as well as in a larger context. Integral has been developed primarily by philosopher Ken Wilber, whose readers call “The Einstein of Consciousness,” because of the deep and far-reaching impact Integral is having and will have in many domains including business, medicine, activism, governance, leadership, and ecology to name a few.


In this session we’ll overview some of the most powerful Visioning & Manifesting and Lifestyle Design processes and methodologies. Then we’ll dive deep into 3 Questions that will help you clarify your Life Purpose


Alan Rafael Seid has been on a search for the most effective processes, tools, and methodologies for living in harmony within ourselves, with each other, and with the planet, since 1987. Kalapa grew out of this search. Among other things, he holds a Certificate in Permaculture Design, is a CNVC Certified Trainer, and lives on his dream property which he found 20 years ago using tools he teaches. Alan teaches globally and has thousands of followers, subscribers, students, and clients all over the world.

GARY REISSBecoming the Most Effective Change Agent with the Least Chance of Burnout—-Process Work, 4 Phase Method, and World Change

With Gary Reiss, LCSW, PhD, Certified Process Work Trainer

Especially in such polarized times, we need new and powerful tools to help navigate the waters of social change. We want to do this in a way that produces the best results and protects us as change agents from too much stress, depression, and burnout. Process Oriented Psychology, or Process Work as it is called, offers facilitation tools that combine inner work, meditation, and social action. One of the most useful tools we will focus on practicing, is learning how to move fluidly through the 4 phases of working with conflict and social issues.

This work is deeply, psychological and spiritual while focusing on sitting in the fire of some of our hottest social issues in order to bring about sustainable change.

About Gary

Dr. Gary Reiss holds an LCSW, PhD., and is a certified trainer in Process-oriented Psychology. Gary has a private practice in Eugene and Portland, Oregon, and teaches Process oriented Psychology worldwide. His specialties include family therapy, sex therapy, working with coma patients, Worldwork in hot spots in the world, organizational development, and integrating Process work with different spiritual traditions. Gary is the director of the nonprofit The International Peace Group. He has published 13 books including Healing History, The Dance of Sex; Dreaming Money: and Families that Dream Together, and Love, Power, and Wisdom, and Process Oriented Facilitation.


WHITNEY WATERBURYAuthentic Relating Games

Authentic Relating Games are activities designed to create the opportunity for authentic connection between individuals and with a group.

Whitney adds harvesting and integrating to Authentic Relating Games

About Whitney

Led by endless curiosity, Whitney Waterbury (she/her) has been questioning “normal” and talking with strangers since she could speak. She went on to study psychology, human development, sexuality, and somatics. She uses a variety of modalities to support individuals, couples, and groups to find healing and deepening aliveness through embodiment, connection, pleasure, and play. Whitney also sparked the first Authentic Relating community in Memphis, TN in 2018 where she continues to serve and delight in witnessing the power of connection to transform people and communities. When not facilitating events she can be found playing in the forest with her young ones, wild foraging, permaculture gardening, practicing yoga, planning her next adventure, Circling, and dancing in public.


DJ Tru-ah
DJ Tru-ahDance Party

His digital music library literally spans all genres and generations. Adding a depth of experience and variety of palate to any venue, gathering or class. From a wedding to corporate party, yoga classes to birthday parties; his level of professionalism and dedication to his craft are paramount. When Joshua isn’t behind his laptop creating new music he is dancing with his 2 year old daughter and wife in their home in the hills of Mount Baker, in Bellingham.

Born and raised in the PNW, Joshua (Aka DJ Tru-ah) turned his early love of music into a long-term affliction in the early 2000’s. Combining classic favorites from all genres and infiltrating them current bass heavy beats that ignited Seattle dance floors into a frenzy. His innate ability to read the energy of any crowd and instigate them to smile and dance, is not only one of his biggest strengths but something he finds great love in doing.


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Lifestyle Design Lab 2021

Imagine actually achieving your big goal or vision! How much would that mean to you?

What would it be like to have a collection of powerful visioning and manifesting tools for your future projects, ideas, and visions? Join a learning community of Changemakers and Cultural Creatives supporting each other in making our dreams come true.

  • LEARN Best Practices in the areas of Lifestyle Design and Visioning &  Manifesting.
  • IMPLEMENT the right tools to create forward movement on your path.
  • RECEIVE SUPPORT both from course faculty and from our Learning Community of Positive Change Agents, each on their own Lifestyle Design journey! Includes Course Recordings PLUS All Handouts and Materials

Every Wednesday January 6-March 10, March 24,
and 1st & 3rd Wednesdays April-December 2021
11 am-1 pm US Pacific Time

Location: Online

More info and registration: 

Kalapa 2021

The Kalapa is an empowerment curriculum and developmental pathway for Positive Change Agents. It is comprised of 8 modules, each of which consists of a Core Competency and one or more Best Practices.

The Kalapa feeds into two worldwide movements which we hope to expand and accelerate: the consciousness revolution and the ecological sustainability revolution.

Join our year-long series exploring Powerful Tools, Skills, and Methodologies for Personal Growth and Positive Change.

Who it’s for:

The Kalapa is for Positive Change Agents, defined as people with the following commitments:

(1) to leaving the world a better place than they found it; making a difference; having a positive impact;
(2) to their own personal growth and development; lifelong learning and growing;

This group of people is also known as Changemakers, Cultural Creatives, and Evolutionaries, among others.


The KEW Team
Special thanks to the team that made this possible.









